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Human Image - The Fundamental Legal Fiction

“Although man and person are synonymous in grammar, they have a different acceptation in law.” From Bouvier's Law Dictionary 1856.

Man (homo) is a term of nature; person (persona) of civil law. Calvin. From Black's Law Dictionary, Second Edition (1910), page 577
The person is not a term of nature. Only man is. The person was born on a two dimensional piece of paper (i.e. statement of live birth) and created through the colour of law.

Person. 3. A human being, considered with respect to the living body or corporeal existence only. (Webster's 1828). 
Take a living soul (spiritual body plus carnal body), then consider what is left if the spiritual body is removed... this is a legal person. A purely secular entity.

Man is given life by the spirit/soul (a body without the spirit/soul is dead). Therefore a legal person can only be a fictional entity conceived or formed or considered in the mind of man, not created by God in reality. A legal person is an entity created for the legal realm only.
Consider. "to deliberate, to work in the mind" (Samuel Johnson's 1755).

One who consider's and concludes himself to be a person must also consider himself spiritless. 
Person. 1. A human being. 2. An entity (such as a corporation) that is recognized by law, as having the rights and duties of a human being. 3. The living body of a human being (contraband found on the smuggler’s person). Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th edition. 
A person is not a term of nature, a human being is a person, therefore a human being is NOT a term of nature. 

The person comes in two variants. An Artificial Person and a Natural Person.
1) The Natural Person has already been identified as a human being, which is of the form of man. One with the appearance of man but spiritless and secular. Human Being = Natural Person.
2) The Artificial Person, which is a corporation or corporate citizen.

Natural person. A human being, as distinguished from an artificial person created by law. Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th edition. An artificial person is created by law, a human being is a construct of man - one with the appearance of man rather than the substance or essence of man (i.e. soul-less being). The human being is recognised in man's law as a legal entity.

Example of an artificial person...
Canada is a corporation, as such Canada is a legal person. But does Canada really exist? Or is it a legal fiction? If Canada “did exist” it would be present even if the earth were devoid of man. In this case it would merely be a section of the earth, without name or distinction. Canada is a construct of the mind and exists only in the dimension of the mind. “An abstraction, and a creature of the mind only,”. It is an artificial person that is assumed to exist (in man's world). It is an entity that requires animation and representation to be recognised.



Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons, the imaginary, having neither actuality or substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible. The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons, and the contracts between themselves.”

And so an artificial person has also been created for you. An artificial person for you to interface with the government. After all, “a government can only interface with other artificial persons”. "The intangible is foreclosed from attaining parity with the tangible". One's artificial person is exposed upon display of government identification. Government identification which you applied for, and signed for (authorized). You represent it. It is apparently “your” person”. It is an entity that MUST be “represented” because it is not you ! In reality you present yourself, you do not re-present yourself. Only your legal fiction needs to be represented because it does not or cannot exist on its own. In legal-land you may be considered representing a Natural Person (Human Being) or you may be considered representing an artificial person. It all depends on what is said - by you - and in what venue. You have more than one legal "capacity".

Blacks Law Dictionary (4th Edition)
Is in opposition to the word natural. Created by art or by law: existing only by force of or contemplation of law.

Ballentine's Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition.
(Civil Law) Person.

Samuel Johnsons Dictionary 1755

7. Exterior appearance
8. Man or woman represented in a fictitious dialogue
9. Character
10.Character of Office

... the word persona is employed in jurisprudence, in opposition to the word man, homo. When we speak of a person, we only consider the state of the man, the part he plays in society, abstractly, without considering the individual." Toull. Dr. Civ. Francais, liv. 1, n. 168 Institutes of American Law, John Bouvier, 1851, Vol. 1, Book 1, "Of Persons"

A persona is not in the realm of reality, and neither is a person in regards to the legal world. Persons need to be “represented” in the legal realm.
Legal Fiction.
An assumption that something occurred or someone or something exists which, in fact, is not the case, but that is made in the law to enable a court to equitably resolve a matter before it.

Maxims of Law:
A "legal fiction" is a "rule of law" that assumes something which is or may be false as true.

From American Law and Procedure, Vol. 13, page 137, 1910 …
This word 'person' and its scope and bearing in the law, involving, as it does, legal fictions and also apparently [IN APPEARANCE ONLY] natural beings, , it is difficult to understand; but it is absolutely necessary to grasp, at whatever cost, a true and proper understanding to the word in all the phases of its proper use. A person is here not a physical or individual person, but the status or condition with which he is invested. Not an individual or physical person, but the status, condition or character borne by physical persons. The law of persons is the law of status or condition”.

Thayers Greek Lexicon 
Person. the appearance one presents by his wealth or property, his rank or low condition.

Ballentines Law Dictionary (1969)

Position or rank. A legal personal relationship or condition, not temporary in its nature nor terminable at the mere will of the parties, with which third persons and the state are concerned. Re Davidson, 223 Minn 268, 26 NW2d 223, 170 ALR 215. An existing state of affairs.

From Black's Law Dictionary 1st Edition ...
 "A man considered according to the rank he holds in society, with all the rights to which the place he holds entitles him and the duties it imposes"..
Your person is how you are "considered" by others in society. A mental construct or perception of others. An “image” of others; from the imagination of others. 

Your "true essence” is not the mental perception of others "in society". Your true essence is not your “appearance” to others. A man in a policeman's uniform is only a man, your mental construct (and his) creates the "persona", the policeman. When the policeman retires he remains a man, the superficial aspect of the policeman disappears. So, a spiritual “man” can “step down” and into the role of a fiction – a “person” (a persona).

Person. “A human considered as being capable of having rights and of being charged with duties".
The key word is "considered" [thought of]. Again, this "thought" or perception is a mental construct only, a fiction.

Person. “A person is such, not because he is human but because rights and duties have been ascribed to him”.
The only way rights and duties can be ascribed is by ones Creator or alternatively by consent to one's equals. The human consents to represent a person.

“Every man is independent of all laws, except those prescribed by nature. He is not bound by any institutions formed by his fellowmen without his consent”— CRUDEN v. NEALE 2N.C. (1796) 2 SE 70

Interpretation Act - Canada
“person”, or any word or expression descriptive of a person, includes a corporation".

Maxims of Law From Bouvier's 1856 Law Dictionary
Inclusio unius est exclusio alterius. The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. 11 Co. 58.
In regards to the Interpretation Act, “a person, includes a corporation”. Anything and everything else is excluded, “The inclusion of one is the exclusion of another. 11 Co. 58”.

The fictional entity comes to life by animation. You animate your fiction by representing it. A bona fide man presents himself, a fiction must be represented since it does not exist in reality.

A person is a fictional entity (corporation) with office and rank. The rank indicates what rights the person will have (if any) and their duties. The PERSON may improve the rank by investment in titles, PhD, P.Eng, Esq. etc. The PERSON may also improve the rank by monetary investment or gain (consider Billy Gates, Warren Buffet). Money and/or credentials will get you more consideration in society, more RANK. A society that respects persons and rank or status is not of God.

V for Vendetta "You wear a mask for so long, you forget who you were beneath it"

James 2:9 But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.

All of man are created equal. To consider another above or below ourselves because of the recognition of status (aka ones legal person), is to commit sin. In truth all "of man" are equal.